Quickly and Easily Sign Out, Restart, and Shut Down your Windows 10 PC
Quickly and Easily Sign Out, Restart, and Shut Down your Windows 10 PC
One complaint that has been heard about Windows 10 is that it can be challenging to get to the Shut Down, Restart, or Log Off options. Below are some key commands that will help make this process faster and more efficient:
Windows + X, followed by U, then I - Signs the user out of Windows
Windows + X, followed by U, then R - Restarts the computer
Windows + X, followed by U, then U - Shuts down the Computer
This webpage has a fairly comprehensive list of Windows keyboard commands:
MakeTechEasier: Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts Cheatsheet
APH recently recorded a webinar highlighting Windows 10 features and how to use them
APH Webinar: Improve your View of Windows 10 and JAWS