Screen Reader Savvy Online Class
Week One
Week one of an eight week class focused on using a screen reader. This class focuses on using a screen reader with Windows key commands.
Week Two
Week two of an eight week class focused on using a screen reader. This week focuses on the use of JAWS and its various settings and menus.
Week Three
Week three of an eight week class focused on using a screen reader. This week focuses on NVDA and its settings.
Week Four
Week four of an eight week class focused on using a screen reader. This week's focus is basic word processing and editing including cursor placement and spell checking.
Week Five
Week five of an eight week class focused on using a screen reader. This week's focus is more advanced editing including adding headers/footers, and creating headings in documents.
Week Six
Week six of an eight week class focused on using a screen reader. The focus this week is first letter navigation in web browsers and an introduction to using the internet with both JAWS and NVDA. The second video is a walk-through of using single letter navigation.
Week Seven
Week seven of an eight week class focused on using a screen reader. The focus this week is use of a screen reader navigate the web using the various screen reader specific dialogue boxes. The second video shows navigation of a website using the screen reader specific dialogue boxes.
Week Eight
The final week of our screen reader class focuses on troubleshooting, navigation of unfamiliar websites, basic info on scripts and add-ons. The supplemental videos demonstrate strategies for navigating unfamiliar websites.