Getting Started
Getting Started
Screen Magnification: Factsheet and Comparison of Common Screen Magnifiers
Documentation from TrySight
Documentation from TrySight
YouTube Short Videos and Playlists
YouTube Short Videos and Playlists
ZoomText Screen Magnification
ZoomText Screen Magnification
Note: These resources assume you are using the most recent version of Windows 10 and ZoomText 2020 or later
Documentation from Freedom Scientific
Documentation from Freedom Scientific
YouTube Short Videos, Playlists, and Webinars
YouTube Short Videos, Playlists, and Webinars
ZoomText Magnifier with Speech Webinar
ZoomText Fusion
ZoomText Fusion
Note: These resources assume you are using the most recent version of Windows 10 and Fusion 2021 or later
Documentation from Freedom Scientific
Documentation from Freedom Scientific
Resources from Around the Web
Resources from Around the Web
YouTube Playlists, Webinars, and Podcasts
YouTube Playlists, Webinars, and Podcasts
Fusion, Setting Up Your Computer So It’s Perfect for Your Vision! (Webinar)
Fusion 2023 (Links to FS Webinar Page with links to MP3 and MP4 files)
Zoom on the Mac
Zoom on the Mac
Documentation and Resources from Apple
Documentation and Resources from Apple
Resources from Around the Web
Resources from Around the Web